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It happened long ago,

a great race ended;

They thought themselves as Gods,

they ruled through science and technology,

they forgot the things of nature.

Now, they are the fallen race.

The beasts of the earth were risen up to their likeness;

Cities fell to ruin and became forgotten;

Technology crumbled.

The beast clans rose,

the race fell to serve,

a lesson in humility.




Book One:



Raised as a servant in a world dominated by beasts, Kyra is taught the way of survival alongside the children of royalty. When her family is given its freedom, she experiences life always on the run from other beasts that would capture and enslave her. And when her parents go missing, she has to learn to rely upon herself and her horse, Storm.

Even with her wiles, she is finally captured and sold into slavery in the kingdom of the Holstein, a master race of bovine. Fortunately for her, she is treated well. When she shows her abilities, she earns the respect, and ear, of her Master, Prince Meateus.

This trust is crucial when an expedition, led by Prince Meateus, is taken across lands unknown to the bovine, in order to find the Lost Cities of the race of humans. But there is one among them who would see the Prince meet up with an accident, and the expedition fail. With members of the Cat and Canine races among the adventurers, it seems hardly likely that such a fate could befall the Prince.

However, as they make their way along, discovering new worlds and learning new things, his life (and those of others) are saved time and time again by the quick-thinking Kyra. And the beasts discover that there is an intellect still alive in the race of human.

This is a terrific fantasy/adventure/dystopian story. I've never read "Animal Farm", but it put me in mind as to what might have happened if that story had continued. Mr. Pyle does a great job of fleshing out his characters--they are very believable. Some are heartwarming, such as the sweet, small-world Borinda. Then there are others that you really love to hate, such as Chuckles.

There is non-stop action in this tale; even when the characters are in between hair-raising adventures, something is happening that keeps you interested. The author weaves back stories and side-stories in very well, making this a tapestry of fantasy.



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     As they entered a clearing, Storm abruptly stopped, rose up, made a loud shriek and swung his hooves. At this cue, Kyra scrambled off and darted into the thicket.

    Four cloaked creatures came at Storm with a net, and Kyra knew what they were – Rodentia. Their long black robes were stained with dirt, and their whip-like tails thrashing about.

     Kyra wanted to help Storm, but a fifth jumped in front of her. He gnashed his teeth and hissed. The arm of his cloak was torn, and stained by a splattering of blood. He must’ve been the one scratched by the thorn bush.

    His tail whipped around at her, his claws raised into the air. Kyra avoided the tail; she grabbed a fallen tree limb and swung at him. His tail caught her ankle and yanked her down.

    Her attacker’s face was covered in grey fur, with whiskers dotting his nose like freckles on a human. As he came at her Kyra, swung the limb at him again, it dodged the blow, tripping over its tail and falling in the process.

    Kyra grabbed for the knife at her side. Her enemy had the branch in his own hand now, having snatched it from her. His laughter rang out, loud and nasty. The Rodentia pulled himself up to his full height, that of a full-sized man. Its laugh was a throaty, repetitive noise. Its mouth opened wide, and its head moved up and down.

     She slashed at it with her weapon. Let’s see if it finds my dagger as funny.

    The creature’s tail loosened, and Kyra made a move, rolling to what she didn’t know was the top of a hill. The earth crumbled under her and she plunged down, quickly gaining momentum.

    Then Kyra hit bottom. She quickly rose, covered with dirt and weeds. Ugh.

    The Rodentia would be coming for her, and Kyra knew she’d better run. At some point she’d dropped her dagger, but there was no time to search for it. She fled.

     Hissing noises echoed, along with the sound of displaced dirt and tearing of weeds. The Rodentia were coming down the hill. Kyra’s heart pounded as she raced through the forest, hoping to outrun the creatures.

     A pond was up ahead; she caught a glimmer of sun off the water and made a dash for it. Leafy vines whipped across her arms and legs as though trying to slow her down. Leaping into the air,

Kyra dove into the water, hoping to lose her scent and get away.

     Her arms flailed anxiously as she beat against the waves making her way to the other side.     Kyra thought about Storm and hoped she could escape and help him.

    It felt like a bee sting pinching into her neck as she pulled herself onto the shore.

      “Ack!” What’s back there?

        Kyra was starting to get groggy as she pulled something from her neck. She saw it as her vision slowly blurred; a poison tip, one of the Rodentia’s weapons; they spit them through little reeds to render their prey unconscious – unless they were coated to kill. Wide-eyed, Kyra stared at the dart until everything went black.


Could use some better artwork. If anyone would like to contribute. Can't afford to give little more than credit right now. Contact me at

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