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United Empires


Ruled by the Khan family for generations. With Meateus Khan being the last royal Prince, before his death in the War Of The Beasts. Because od his prowess in war, and by lot, Bulluos Steakforth was selected as next emperor. Out of respect for the former rulers, the leader is now called the Great Khan in their memory.



Kingdom of the Germ Shep, ruled by the Dolgora family. He assumed reign when his Father decided to retire and travel.



Ruled by the Greyfur family, Princess Anulu and her husband Shahrd Claws fought in the War Of the Beasts. Her parents were killed, and she was injured, and sought recovery in the Holstein area.

The kingdom is now under rule of the Tigera, from the north.



Newly formed empire for the vermin lords. Under rule of Supreme Rodentia Ratacus Mokus. Maintains a cordial relationship with other empires, though distrustful of both canine and feline. 




Empire from the east. Expanding and slowly gaining rule of weaker empires. They currently share control of Panthra Kingdom with the Holstein. Canine empire is wary of them and their true intentions.






Humanoid rabbits. Warlike, with a desire to create their own empire and rule others. Begin a war with the Holstein, Canine, and Panthra. Wind up destroying their kingdom by exploding an ancient dam.


Currently seeking revenge against their enemies. Ally with displaced Tab who hate the Panthra.



Old China, ruled by assorted felines including a dwindling number of LIgers. A Liger Prince is sent with a small company across the great ocean. They wish tostart trade with the United empires.

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